Thursday, November 24, 2016

Overturning Reasonings Against the Knowledge of God.

Friday, November 25
We are overturning reasonings and
every lofty thing raised up against
the knowledge of God.
—2 Cor. 10:5.
We need to be vigilant in guarding
against attacks on our spirituality.
Has the world’s viewof material
pursuits made inroads into our
lives? The things we love are usually
evident by our thoughts and actions.
Jesus said: “Where your
treasure is, there your heart will
be also.” (Matt. 6:21) To determine
where our heart is leading us,
it is good to examine ourselves
from time to time. Ask yourself:
‘How much time do I spend thinking
about money matters? Do concerns
over business prospects, investments,
or reaching out for a more
comfortable lifestyle occupy large
blocks of my time? Or do I strive to
maintain an eye that is focused on
spiritual matters?’ (Matt. 6:22) Jesus
indicated that those who place
primary emphasis on ‘storing up
treasures on the earth’ put themselves
in grave spiritual danger.
—Matt. 6:19, 20, 24. w14 10/15 4:4, 5

Daily Text from

How To Make Mango Graham Shake

What you need:  1 pc ripe mango 1½ cups crushed grahams 3 tbsp mango-flavored condensed milk or any regular condensed milk 1 tbsp suga...