Saturday, June 22, 2013

Playing CHESS, Is it a wholesome effect?

This is from Awake 73 3/22 P.12 "....the spirit of competition between players can lead to unpleasant circumstances, as the New York Times reported: Most families manage to keep the conflicts that arise in games to the chess board. But in some homes tensions linger long past checkmate. Chess has been a game of war since it was originated 1,400 years ago....the games connections with war are obvious...a play-substitute for the art of war. Also in playing there is the danger of "stirring up competition with one another" even developing hostility toward another, something the Bible warns Christians to avoid doing...What effect does playing chess really have upon one? Is it a wholesome effect? Surely chess is a fascinating game. But there are questions regarding it that are good for each one who plays chess to consider."  We have so many things to consider before we contribute our time, Is it indeed true that being a christian is not easy but following Jehovah God makes our life more comfortable and result as happiness in life.

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